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Writer's picture: Sara SutherlandSara Sutherland

Productive procrastination is an unfortunate reality for most gym-goers.

Dedicated athletes are always striving to learn more information, subscribing to various newsletters and staying up-to-date on the latest tips and tricks.

While this is okay and shows that a person is truly interested in physical improvement, what often happens is that most people forget to actually put in the work.

Without putting that information into practice, all of this knowledge doesn’t lead to improved performance or results.

To truly make the most of your gains in the gym, you need to ensure you’re taking actionable steps based on the knowledge you've acquired.

Otherwise, all of your efforts have been wasted.

The Golden Era

If the pursuit of knowledge sounds familiar, then perhaps you are best off looking back to the golden era of bodybuilding when the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu crafted their physiques.

Why? Because the golden era of bodybuilding, an age when decades of progress were still in their infancy, was marked by a special work ethic.

And frankly, back then, people weren't as informed as they are today when it comes to training and nutrition.

Though that stands true, their physiques were arguably the most aesthetic bodybuilder physiques in all of human history.

What sets these individuals apart is that they are powered through with an imperfect plan, which ultimately pushes the importance of consistency to any fitness routine.

What Do You NEED To Know?

With all of this in mind, it is fair to say that when it comes to fitness, there are too many small details we pay attention to, that take our attention away from the big picture.

So what is it that you REALLY need to know? What is the 20% of things that we do that yield 80% of the results? Let’s talk about the 3 most important concepts of training, nutrition, and recovery.

Progressive Overload

Progressing one's fitness levels is achievable for any individual who understands the importance of progressive overload.

By gradually increasing the intensity, duration, and/or frequency of their workout program, an individual can safely and efficiently make their fitness training more challenging over time.

This concept is most evident in muscle building - as muscles become used to a given workload, the amount of stress that workload provides must be steadily increased so that progress keeps coming.

Without progressive overload, an individual would eventually hit a plateau in their training, where they will not see any further improvements no matter how hard they work.

Therefore, it has become clear that this fundamental principle is absolutely essential to any successful long-term fitness program.

And really, it is what you should go by for the most part of your training journey - simply, find a way to give the body a greater challenge, be it via an increase in weight, sets, reps, or even a decrease in rest time between sets.

Caloric Balance

Making adjustments to your daily caloric intake is a key component of attaining your nutritional and fitness goals.

To maximize a muscle-building program, it is recommended that you consume approximately 5-10% more calories than what your body requires to maintain its weight – known as a slight caloric surplus.

Conversely, for fat loss, individuals should aim to eat 5-10% fewer calories than the maintenance level - this is known as a slight caloric deficit.

It is essential for successful nutrition for fitness that total caloric intake be adjusted and monitored properly according to the desired goal of muscle mass building or fat loss.

Besides total calories, you should make sure to get enough protein and fat.

The optimal daily protein & fat intake forms at about 1g and 0.45g per lb of body weight, respectively.


Sleep is just as important a factor in one's overall fitness and nutrition as diet and exercise.

It plays a critical role in both physical and mental health, providing the body with time to rest and repair itself while also recharging the mind and spirit.

Quality sleep enables individuals to perform better during physical activity, makes it easier for them to make healthy eating decisions, keeps their metabolism working more efficiently, and increases their chances of succeeding with other fitness-related goals.

Without sufficient sleep, an individual's optimal performance can suffer due to fatigue or overtiredness, making it harder for them to achieve their desired level of health and wellness.

Ensuring that you get the recommended seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night is essential for maximum performance.


The moral of the story is this: if you want to be fit, stop worrying about the latest and greatest scientific findings and instead focus on simply sticking to the basics in the long term.

It may not be flashy or sexy, but it works – and that’s what really counts.

So forget about all those gimmicky fitness trends and just stick with the old faithful principles and methods that have been proven time and time again to help people reach their fitness goals.

Are you ready to commit to the basics?

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