Coping And Resilience Has Never Been This Easy
We all have different ways of coping with difficult situations.
Although they may not be obvious, each of us has certain methods we rely on to deal with our issues.
And seeing as people are similar in many aspects, it stands to reason for there to be some coping mechanisms, the foundations of which can be found in almost everyone.
Here we talk about precisely those coping fundamentals, which most of us use on a daily basis, sometimes without even noticing it.
Some Backstory
In 2004 a psychologist, professor, and author from Israel, Mooli Lahad, developed the “Basic Ph Method.”
He outlines the six basic coping strategies that can be seen in people most often.
He believes that each of us harnesses some of these naturally, but if we learn to use all six of them together, our resilience will improve.
The Method Itself
The method is split into six parts, each corresponding to a letter of the acronym.
The acronym itself holds the basis for every coping mechanism, whether we use it consciously or subconsciously.
B - Belief
This is the point when we turn to our core belief systems.
What’s important to note is that both conceptual and spiritual beliefs fit here.
Universal ideas like “everything will be okay” are just as valid coping tools as religious reasoning.
Coping through faith is one of the most well-known mechanisms out there.
A - Affect
Here is where the emotional responses fit.
This coping mechanism is about sharing how we feel and thus validating our experience.
Feeling less alone in our sadness, anger or happiness makes us understand the true weight of our emotions and helps us cope better.
S - Social

All sorts of relationships can be used as a coping mechanism.
Talking with friends and family, asking them for advice, or simply sharing our feelings away are what people with this coping mechanism seek out.
It’s important to note that seeking support from organizations, psychologists, etc., is also an example of using social coping mechanisms.
I - Imagination
Creativity outlets are the main focus here.
All types of art and creative expression can be a way to deal with one’s issues, especially if we use them as an outlet to “leave our feelings on the page”.
This method is mainly used by people who are innately creative and are used to sharing their emotions through their art when they aren't under stress.
C - Cognitive
The more logical and goal-oriented coping mechanisms are here.
Lists, plans, evaluations, etc., are all possible ways to cope with an individual’s problems.
It’s also important to understand that problem-seeking and strategizing with others fits here, too, because finding a solution is what helps us calm down.
Ph - Physiological
Any sort of physical activity can also be a coping outlet.
It can be an informal processing tool, and it is usually used by people who are highly active in their daily lives.
Different sorts of physical activities, from running to taking a fighting class to dancing, are often used to help active people deal with their issues.
We all use some of these coping mechanisms.
However, it’s very rare to see someone only using just one or someone taking advantage of all of them.
In order to find which mechanisms are the most natural for a person, professor Lahad has also developed a simple story exercise.
Through the help of some questions, story boxes, and different colors, anyone can see which coping strategies they tend to use the best.
Final Thoughts
Coping is a process we all go through when in distress.
Sometimes we actively organize ourselves through it, and sometimes, it happens subconsciously.
Both have the same value, as long as we take the time to understand them and reflect on the process.
With this article, we hope to have given you some insight into the coping strategies you might be using, and hopefully, we have provided new methods for you to learn.