And What Is Psychosomatic Disorder?
We all know that our minds and our bodies are connected.
Most people would also agree that the first has a significant influence on the second.
However, what if we told you that there is the possibility of your mind having such power over your body that you can start experiencing things that have no organic reasoning behind them.
Well, that's exactly what psychosomatic disorder means.
These seemingly complicated words hide behind them a condition that's even more of a mystery.
Here we try to briefly explain how it works.
What Is The Definition, And Who Does It Affect?
Let's first define what the term psychosomatic means.
It's basically the concept of having symptoms that arise from the mind and/or the emotions you have instead of just a physical illness or condition.
Now when that turns into a disorder, that is the point where it becomes a problem.
People with a psychosomatic disorder are between 5% and 7% of the general population.
It can happen to anyone, regardless of age or gender, but it is more commonly found in people with some sort of trauma.
In this case, trauma can include anything - difficult childhood, different sorts of abuse and addictions as well as pre-existing mental conditions.
This is why often a part of the diagnosing process is asking about one’s past experiences.
How It Works And Why It Happens
The basic mechanism for this is that the nerve connections from the mind to the body are in a state of overdrive.
The reasons behind it can be singular or a mix and can range from genetics to past experiences.
For instance, irregular amino acid levels can cause psychosomatic disorder, but it can also happen as a byproduct of depression or abandonment.
Another thing that should be taken into consideration is which is affected by which.
What this means is that it’s possible for the influence and synergy between the mind and the body to be in the opposite direction too.
For instance, high anxiety or stress levels can prolong or strengthen the effect of the psychosomatic symptoms.
The symptoms themselves can be anything from headaches and neck pain to seizures or respiratory problems.
What's important to note is that the symptoms themselves are very real.
They should be taken seriously and require tests and treatment, seeing as they affect the person’s quality of life.
The most likely way for your body to experience psychosomatic symptoms is to target your body's weakest spot.
This is to say that if you are, for instance, prone to migraines, it is very likely for psychosomatic symptoms to first appear there.
How Do People Deal With It?
The most common method of managing psychosomatic disorder after it has been diagnosed is a mix of behavioral therapy and medication.
Firstly, the most important thing is to make sure the immediate health of the person is taken care of.
This means any and all sorts of physical conditions and/or pains should be treated by a professional.
After that, and after a certain diagnosis has been set, the patient can start work with their psychologist.
Different kinds of therapy sessions may be included as well as some activities outside of the office of the therapist.
Some medications may be recommended as well.
These are most commonly antidepressants and relaxers that are issued alongside a prescription and clear guidance.
The duration of the healing process is different for everyone, and it can either completely eradicate the disorder or simply find a healthy way of dealing with it.
This is one of the psychological disorders that are more difficult to diagnose initially.
It manifests in physical symptoms with no reason behind them found in the body.
These symptoms can be anything from a headache to problems with breathing or abdominal pain.
What's important is that although they may not have a physical explanation, they feel absolutely real and should not be disregarded.
With the help of a psychologist and sometimes medication, this disorder can definitely be managed and even completely healed with no lasting consequences.